Sunday, August 29, 2010

Rowan Atkinson's £5m 'space-age' home

New home: Rowan Atkinson and his wife Sunetra
Rowan Atkinson has won his battle to transform his home in a charming seventh century village into what has been derided as a 'space-age petrol station'.He has been given planning permission to demolish his 1930s mansion and replace it with a modernist £5m, three-storey building.
The decision follows a personal appearance before planners - leading to claims by neighbours that the councillors were 'seduced by money and fame'.
Atkinson, 55, star of Blackadder and Mr Bean, delivered a five-minute presentation to the meeting, comparing his new home to nearby Blenheim Palace.
He said: 'How does Blenheim Palace fit into its landscape? Not by merging, it has the rectangular shapes, sharp edges and round pillars of classical architecture that do not exist in nature.
'But put those up against nature, and it looks terrific as long as an expert has designed it.'
Atkinson and his wife Sunetra, 52, bought Handsmooth House, which stands in 16 acres overlooking the Chilterns at Ipsden, Oxfordshire, for £2,647,500 in 2006.
Neighbours had hoped he might restore the empty 1930s house.
Instead he is to replace it with a 8,000sq ft white and glass structure designed by top U.S. architect Richard Meier.
Mr Atkinson told South Oxfordshire District Council's planning committee: 'Richard Meier's design is in a more modern medium but the principle is the same.
Out with the old: Dilapidated Handsmooth House dates from the 1930s
His aim is not to blend in, to the extent of disappearing into the landscape, but to harmonise with it.
'Musical harmony is not two people singing the same note but two people singing quite different notes that blend in a pleasing fashion.
In with the new: A model of the design by US architect Richard Meier
'Blending in with the countryside, for many, simply reflects their familiarity with the architecture, looking at and living with the same kind of buildings they have grown up with and with which they feel comfortable.'
He added that the current house looked as if it had been 'plonked' in place. He ran over the allotted five minutes and was stopped mid-sentence by the chairman of the meeting.
He said: 'I'm so sorry.' The site lies in an area of outstanding natural beauty and the plans were rejected by the local parish council as 'out of character'.
Planning officers also advised against approval.
However, the design was supported by top architect Baron Rogers of Riverside, who said it was beautiful. Approval was not warmly received by neighbours.
Farmer Ben Yates, 45, said: 'Money and fame have been used to bulldoze their way through the planning process. The decision on this monstrosity is outrageous and sets a very dangerous precedent.'
Building is expected to start early next year

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